Hello and welcome! My name is Harmon Gale. This website is the result of prompting by a professor who taught a Media Analysis course I took years ago. Professor Gillmor encouraged us (by making us buy a domain name) to build a home base on the web, a place of our own that’s unfiltered by the demands of social media platforms. Sean Bonner, an entrepreneur and part-time superhero, explains it another way here:
[W]hen it comes to your personal relationship to the web, do you have a corner of it that’s yours? Or are you just a visitor leaving little pieces of yourself on other sites?
Welcome to my little corner of the web. I hope you enjoy your stay, visit often, and let me know what you think.
This Site
Misbegotten Shambles is built using Jekyll. The visual design is heavily influenced by Sherif Soliman’s modifications to the default Minima theme.